Wednesday, June 22, 2011


It's Wednesday--only 8 more days left in June.
I'm about to post another photo of Bea. 
If anyone is planning an intervention, could you possibly wait until the first of July. 
I can quit any time. 
Really I can.

But she loves me, she really loves me.
And, no, I don't know what I was thinking when I put my hair in pigtails.
And, yes, I'm in my pajamas.


  1. Love the pigtails! No intervention from me - I am hooked on Bea and Nina episodes for the duration. Reminds me of Ingrid's quote when she was small and I would read letters from home, AKA "dear ones"--"Please read that again! I can't take my ears off it!" Your garden is beautiful, especially the columbines!!at least that's what I'm calling them. I will try to remember to bring some hosta variety pups when I come.

  2. Can't find the pigtails, but your duck sure loves you. I read from the bottom up - so I've met Bea a couple of times in your blog. And I loved the story of her running to you, quacking up a concert and thrilled to see you!
