Thursday, June 30, 2011


27                  Number of posts in June
39                  Number of flower pots I planted in June
30                  Number of times I re-arranged pots in June
14       15       Number of pictures of Bea posted in June

74                  Number of pictures taken of Bea in June

6                    Number of pints of strawberry jam made in June

27                  Number of followers in June

Guess that wraps it up for June. Except I'd really like to invite you to follow my blog. I've been at 27 for quite awhile now. If not, it's ok too, thanks for stopping by.

I'll be back tomorrow to tell you what's up for July.


  1. I just noticed that Bea even has the body type of "runner" - lucky duck!

  2. That garage picture of infant car seat and Bea. Is Bea suggesting something? Maybe a baby Bea?

  3. Looked at all the pictures again.

    I'm in love with Bea - printed the picture of Bea and her "duck pond"...

    Great blog, Nina.

  4. Sue, we love her too, such an unexpected presence in our life. I read online about Indian Runner's lack of maternal instinct, the females drop their eggs at random and apparently rarely hatch offspring.
