I snapped this photo at the beach house because after 5 years staying in the same house, I finally noticed that the toaster had a "Pop Tart" setting.
Great blogging material, I thought.
Or no.
That was about 4 weeks ago.
Excuses for my neglect of the blog abound: Too busy, too sad, too tired, can't sleep, too hungry, too full, too nice, too wet, too dry, too much to write about, not enough to write about, no laptop,
You get the picture.
A year ago yesterday, we found out Mom had cancer. Her brief illness,death and the emotional intensity of the experience has forever changed me--fortunately in positive ways.Most of the time, when I think of her I am happy. Then sadness comes during the happy times when I cannot help but wish she were there with her arms open to hold a baby, her hands to peel potatoes and her quick wit to make me laugh.
However, it is enough to have had her close to me in body and in heart.
My way-too-fragile writer's ego was dealt a near fatal blow after learning recently (just before we left for the beach) that I would no longer be writing or editing for Womeninc magazine. It wasn't totally unexpected, I guess I saw it coming and I'm not sure if it's permanent or not.
I have been on the verge of giving up this blog, but decided to give it another try. Perhaps it's the smell of the sweet spring rains and the sight of trillium blossoms working their way up through the piles of dead leaves that are giving me strength and determination to not give up.
For now.

A word of warning about upcoming blog posts, there is a 99.9 % certainty that they will rely heavily on a certain cute duck for content.
Oh, no. I am sorry to hear you won't be involved with the magazine anymore. I really enjoyed your writing there. Next to the photography, it was my favorite part. :) Now this blog is all I have to read of yours. I hope you continue to write here at least.
ReplyDeleteCan't belive none of us noticed that pop tart setting on the toaster - too funny! Sorry to hear about womaninc- :(
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ReplyDeleteI love your blog, your writing and your photographs. Winter does strange tricks to our usual attitudes and psyche. You have a wonderful life diary that, I am sure, other people enjoy as much as I do. Wait till the fullness of Spring establishes itself in and around you to make BIG decisions that involve your personal skill and pleasure in this blog.
ReplyDeleteI missed my mother painfully for four seasons. The next four seasons were a little less painful. She died when I was 19 and she was 52. I still hear her voice and laugh, still miss her, still wish she could have known my children. The memory softens, but never disappears. I still dream about her.
With understanding and hopes that you continue to produce entertaining, wonderfully innovative words and pictures. Bea in her winter pool is priceless.
Best wishes; thinking of you. Susan Miller