Last night as we were getting ready for bed, I asked Sam what his plans were for the weekend. "It's going to be nice so I'd like to go for a boat ride--but I also want to get some more painting done." We decided to try to head for the lake in the late morning.
But first I wanted to freeze some corn. Sam ran to Curt's field and brought me 3 dozen ears. While he painted, I froze 16 pts of corn and had the kitchen cleaned up-- by 11:30. We were on the road shortly after noon and on the lake before 3:00. It was 80 degrees, sunny, warm and perfect. We anchored in Miller's Bay.
After about an hour, I developed a severe case of what my niece Ingrid refers to as AIP (Ants In Pants) Kind of like what happens to kids confined in a car too long.
Should relaxing be this hard? I had my computer, the new Pat Conroy novel and two past issues of Mother Earth News. It just didn't work for me today.
We went out to dinner with Dick and Marlys--always fun.
And I do believe I might have felt relaxed.
It's been a busy week--I'm working on a couple new posts that hopefully will be ready tomorrow.
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